Monday 8 July 2013

Clarity Creates Certainty (a blog post from my coaching website)

(This post is from my coaching blog site I'm busy building, thought I'd share it with you)

Clarity creates certainty, once you are clear on what you value, what your drivers are, you can update the old ones. Change only happens with real conviction and it is what you believe that will drive your actions (or lack of action).

Change for the sake of change is difficult to sustain! The proof is in those many perceived failures from past attempts.

Know your "why"! Clarity creates certainty, the strongest certainty always wins!

I struggle a lot with making decisions (especially the important ones). And the more I dig into clearing my lack of clarity, that has recently come to light, I wonder how many of you might benefit from or resonate with my latest insights?

My Insights:

  1. Know what you want. Every one is running on some sort of blue print, conscious or not... which side do you want to be sitting on; conscious or unconscious?
  2.  If actions are run by your unconscious beliefs and you aren't too sure of what your values are... Well, you guessed it, you'll be wading through misery when the life you want doesn't match up to your actions.
  3. Making changes that someone else prescribes AIN'T going to work either (not unless it's deeply aligned with your values & vision). Another reason that might not work 100%, is because even though the person prescribing advice is experienced... you're unique and you are the only one who will listen to you in the end. You ultimately, are the expert in your life.
  4. Lack of clarity on ones values (your own not those which are prescribed to you by your minister or mother) = low conviction for change.
  5. Therefore; a lot of the frustration we modern folk face; might be due to the fact that we make too much compromise on our authenticity & autonomy (who we are) and what we want.
  6. We chase interests without really knowing our true values because of the above and are swayed from here to there like drifters, never surmounting to much more than the state of tedium on auto-pilot & ultimately perpetuating more of what we don't want.
  7.  Change is directly proportionate to the degree in which you value the change your looking for. Or shall I rather say it like this: you will not change something about yourself until it is valuable enough to do so - to the point of outweighing the cost for staying the same. I.O.W.: How can you ELEVATE the change you're looking for to a higher statues of value?
  8.  Figuring out this s#%t is scary, because it means that you are actually in the drivers seat if you want to create the life you would love more deliberately.

You say you want to change... but what is the perceived cost?
How willing are you to pay the price?
What's the price for staying right where you are?
Red pill or Blue pill?

Just for a fun, dramatic effect & to drive my point... a clip from "The Matrix" just in case you're still wondering which pill is which.

Think of the "the Matrix" he's talking about as a metaphor for your beliefs and perceptions as a lens through which you "see" through; creating the world you experience.


Know what you want! This is the big "why".Find a way to align you actions to your values in creating what you want! This is perhaps the best kind of motivation and it is something you are intrinsically.
Can you see your purpose, your dream/vision, the life you would love to have?
Key: How certain are you that it's going to happen?
Can you visualise, taste, smell, hear, touch it?
What's the first thing you can think of to do to get clear?

It is my purpose, my mission to help others reconnect the disconnection that can run on autopilot and through coaching those who are ready in empowering themselves to be conscious creators of the lives they'd love.

Crate your life deliberately.
Are you mad about your life... Or are you Mad-Crazy-In-Love About your life? It's a choice,

Work with Me:

I invite you to view my coaching options and consider becoming a beta (guinea pig) client if you'd like to be coached for getting clear and deliberate in any area of your life.  Pick up you'r phone and give me a call or send me a text or e-mail.


Wednesday 3 July 2013

Become a Beta Coaching Client! Mad About My Life: Coaching with Madelain Burgoyne

Want to design your life on purpose?

I'm looking for Guinea Pigs to experiment on (sounds suspicious... I know right)!If you don't know already... I'm currently studying towards my coaching credentials (too excited as it's really my BIIIIIG dream becoming ACTUALISED)!

Anyway, my course requires that I accumulate some fieldwork hours (around 100 paid hours - I'm aiming to do even more, 'cause I'm just like that)!

If you think you or know of someone who would like to be my experiments at a really good rate and want to know more about what Coaching is. In-box me:
So far I have two really brave people to practise on... I'll be updating the insights from my experimental clients (with their permission of coarse).

I'm working on different lifestyle packages to rock your world, but the basic beta coaching package starts @ R180 per 1 hour coaching session.

Quick Life Coaching Summery:

Just in case you've been living under a rock and wondering what that's about

In the coaching relationship... it's all about you! It's a synergistic process where, you're the expert and I'm your sounding board. It's all about you taking responsibility for the life you have (look at where you currently are) and want (Where you'd like your life to be) and everything in it. It the process, we discover the miss-match , find your core values and dreams and through deliberate collaboration, we design (you design) the steps to move you in the direction to making whatever part you want into a reality. the coaching process includes thought provoking questions (curiosity gets you into solution seeking prospective= more empowering), feedback, re-framing & accountability.
Through the process, you start learning these awareness skills and develop more emotional intelligence and capacity to expand into your full potential.
This is a totally open, non-judgemental & confidential space.

I'm not going to sugar coat it for you (even though the above sounds pretty sweet); it takes guts to own your s*%t and to see that happiness isn't all positive thoughts and roses. But through the process you fine the coherence and congruence and presence to see everything (both the negative & positive forces of life) as perfectly balanced and exactly what you need to step into your value (what you've here to do/your potential). I's about not being ruled by emotional overwhelm or circumstances, but taking your life and creating more of what you want ON PURPOSE. Life no longer happens to you.. it starts happening for you.

It requires: courage, letting go to attached stories of your past (shifting perspective), experimentation (stepping out your comfort zone), finding the skills you need to adopt to make change (adaptability), accountability (setting yourself up to be held accountable DELIBERATELY - useful for those days of doubt), planning, self awareness, measurement, re-assessment.

What life coaching is not:

It's not therapy, counselling or anything of the sort. I deal with the current blocks and move you forward until you can learn the process and take the momentum over.

Once again... inbox me if this sounds like something you'd like to try out; check out the website, Facebook page, come and say hi.

ox Mads

Friday 28 June 2013

Your Action Plan for the Rest of the Year

It's time to re-evaluate the year as we approach the half way mark of 2013.

something I've come to appreciate through experience is how important planning and action is. I keep seeing what I would love to create for myself by the end of the year as a milestone, yet I've found that when my planning and implementation slacks... Well, I can't really complain about not having what I want if I'm not doing the work.
When Things slack off, it's because I get sloppy in my focus, end up not recording my milestones and re-evaluations. Planning and implementation is pivotal.

So if that resonates with you, here are some questions to think about to help you become a little unstuck:
  • How can you get clear with what you would love to have by the end of the year?
  • How detailed is your vision of it?
  • Can you see, hear, taste,smell it... Can you visualise you BEING it?
  • Right; what does you're schedule look like? Is what you want written in there anywhere? (What you schedule and stick to is a good indication of weather or not it's actually a real priority vs an interest). Sure many of us are interested in improving our health, but when it comes down to the dirty work, we find ourselves making excuses. What can you do to turn that interest into a top priority?
So, here's an action step plan for your goals:


Which step are you on?
  1. Write down what you would love to have by the end of the year in detail (use your 5 senses as you describe it).
  2. Now that you know what you want, think about what resources you have available to you to accomplish it... Or what skills and resources you need to acquire.
  3. work out your action plan. Open your diary, decide how much time you are going to dedicate to working towards your goal in a week.
    Now goals might need to be broken up in parts so that overwhelm doesn't set in. What the is priority step? What can you scrap, delegate or put away to work on later?
    If you need to acquire a skill, that is a clue in priority of taking action... Research it, inquire and get stuck into it.
  4. You need to keep track of it; find a way to measure what your doing. Recording voice notes, writing in a journal on the experiences each time, feed back, insights, milestones. Without this step, you won't be able to see the progress you're making. 
  5. Be consistent and stop listening to that inner critic and those negative fears. These voices appear because we're attached to past experiences and want to avoid pain... The weird thing is that when you want to quite the most... is the breakthrough point. 
  6. Be mindful of the chatter that happens inside & follow through despite the negative talk... It's just talk after all and not really the truth. Test the chatter by going through it and recreate a better experience so that you can reach the potential you're longing to reach.

    “Your days are your life in miniature. As you live your hours, so you create your years. As you live your days, so you craft your life. What you do today is actually creating your future. The words you speak, the thoughts you think, the food you eat and the actions you take are defining your destiny – shaping who you are becoming and what you stand for. Small choices lead to giant consequences – over time. There’s no such thing as an unimportant day.” ~ robin Sharma
"The hours that ordinary people waste, the extraordinary people leverage" ~ Robin Sharma
The neurobiology works like this in a nutshell: you make a consistent focussed effort towards your goals (self directed attention & effort) = even more momentum as the process now releases dopamine (Measurable Feedback) = more motivation, energy/drive to do more of the same (re-enforced Purpose) = Success!

Now this runs either way, you can use the same auto setting to stay unchanged and wish your life away... which force are you going to apply your focused awareness to? Best thing about this is you can shape your reality at the drop of a decision - no excuses.

If you're needing some help on discovering your values or what you would love to create in your life (personal growth and lifestyle wise), consider becoming a beta client of mine for Life coaching... to find out more about Mad About My Life: Coaching with Madelain Burgoyne, send an e-mail to
Website coming soon.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Mad Love ~ By Meghan Currie

Oooh, I love Meghan Currie, check out her latest Video "Mad Love". 

Mad indeed I say... now there's a gal who's Mad-Crazy-In-Love with life, which is exactly what Mad About Yoga & my coaching business (Mad About My Life) is all about.... Movement is a huge aspect in it.

Be inspired! Thank you Meghan!

Monday 13 May 2013

Ladies night out with a difference!

I love networking!

You know why? I dig it because you get to know others, you step out of your comfort zone, you practise doping any judgements in the hopes of not being judged yourself, almost always being welcomed in return. It's part of reconnecting with what is often disconnected (but that's a topic for the next blog). Communities are wonderful!

I don't know if you know the Sleek Geek SA community here in Cape Town? It's where all the health nuts or people who want change & who need a support community are flocking to. It's quite phenomenal. There are amazing stories to see, amazing transformations both in body and emotionally. More than ever, people are becoming tired of being sick and tired.

Anyway, I like hanging out with people who embody stepping up the quality of life; stretching, testing, taking risks to grow and connect.

On Saturday night, I was delighted to attend the Sleek Geeks Ladies Night out at Primi in Tableview. What an amazing experience it was.

Here I'm going to highlight some of the may discussions we had around the table and I want to share this because finding the right community to support ones higher potential is important.



  • One of the first discussions we had was around how almost all of the girls showed up solo. The thought process on wanting to join in and check out a community, but the doubt behind weather to join or not was quite fascinating to me. Many of these thoughts might be based on fears of feeling out of place because they don't know anyone else going.
  • Guess what, I got a lot of feedback that curiosity and the pull towards wanting to connect was a greater force than any negative talk that went on in the head before arriving. It is brave... And I would encourage you to always challenge that negative talk... Test it, challenge it, even walk into any fears around it 'cause it ain't the truth until you at least try to disprove it!
  • Acceptance that we are all different, but have a common value; our health.
    We all want to be accepted for who we are. We all want to feel like we belong. We all have different interests, but that makes for an even richer and broader network of knowledgeable women around one table. Sure, sometimes we wish that "we had what she has" but someone else around that table is admiring you for your uniqueness.
  • We had cross-fitters there, people who eat paleo style, vegetarians  business owners, mothers, people who have totally transformed their bodies; all who had something interesting to say.
  • There was lots of discussion around ditching old friends who weren't happy about the changes we make to improve our lifestyle and replacing them with friends who keep us accountable (support) when it comes to living out the goals we set for ourselves.
    I heard from more than one woman around the table that when they started improving their health, many of their family members and friends were not very supportive. I couldn't help wondering if that was because many resist change and don't feel as bad when you're justifying their lifestyle by being the same. Like I said, we all want to belong to a supportive network that validates who we are or what we choose to do or how we behave, think, move etc.
    Often people who are resisting change will really do just that... resist. If you are in that situation as you are trying to improve the quality of your life, just remember, it has nothing to do with you; it has everything to do with what's going on inside of them.
  • We, of course, also talked about Cape Town's notorious reputation to how difficult it can be to crack into any social group if you're new. I definitely feel that there is some sort of revolution going on. People are becoming more open to making new friends by putting themselves forward.

This was a nice way to get together... not over hot chocolate and cake, but I found that it was easier to make the right kind of menu choices when a bunch of health Geeks were sitting around the table!

These women are all amazing!
There was one woman who lost 45kg since last year March, another who lost 20kg in 6 months, both of whom are super sexy mamas and feeling super happy about it. There were women who are on their way, women who are strong, women who are new and just getting started... just a table of all-round amazing women which filled me with inspiration to step up my game on the health level for real!

The really special thing about connecting on this evening like this is; it took us all out of the disconnection we feel into the embodiment, engagement, the openness that is the miracle of connection

Thanks Elan (founder of Sleek Geek SA), for creating a wonderful community! Rock on!

I look forward to the next ladies night social... we are already talking about that.
Check out the Sleekgeek Bar Babes Facebook page.

If you want to start your revolution, and you happen to have an aversion to movement, check out my other pages here on my blog for some yoga coaching... and yes, I teach other kinds of movement that will help you shed the excess if that's what you desire.

Today I decided I'll be stepping into the 12 week Vitality Lifestyle Plan by Dr. Greg Venning from The Vitality Concept. A friend and I have decided to do it together so that we can be accountability partners through our transformation. The free talk about it is happening on the 29th

As I work my way towards becoming a life coach, what I learn from participating will be my way of holding myself accountable for the ultimate health goals I wish to see embodied in myself (not to mention my friend who'll be adding another layer of accountability - it's bullet proof). Not only will this allow me to do more of what I preach about (walk my talk), but I KNOW that I'll be learning a ton through having this experience and therefore help coach/consult my own clients on their journeys towards what they wish to embody for themselves too!

Over to you:

What did you enjoy most about our ladies night out? I wanna hear what insights you gained from this evening I wanna hear all about it in the comments below.

If you haven't joined us yet, I wanna hear what kind of community you're looking for or if any of this resonates  with you.

What do you wish to embody more of?

Here's to your ultimate happiness, health & well-being.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Mad MAY Give-Away Competition: Win a Fun Yoga Session for You & Your Friends

How you can enter the Mad May Give Away: 

To win 1 of the 3 semi-private yoga sessions, be sure to fill out my survey and follow the instructions closely left in the very last question (question 10) click here to be taken to the survey.

The draw will happen at the end of May 2013. So you’ll want to subscribe to the Mad About Yoga Facebook page here, and leave your comments about why you would like to win a free semi-private yoga session for you and your friends. Get your friends to fill out the survey and leave their comments on the Facebook page too and stand an even bigger chance of winning.

I'm always looking to improve the quality of the services I offer here with Mad About Yoga. It's important to me to collect your honest thoughts and feedback from your experiences doing yoga with me or even just to find out if yoga would be something you’d like to try if you have not done it before. The only way to improve what I offer and meet your needs is through feedback.

Again, here is the survey link:

If you’re just a little bit curious about what it is I do and wish to see that in action check out this video I put together last year: Press play.

Some of my friend doing yoga

May 2013 Free Workshops with Dr. Greg Venning: Fit for Life

So if you're a regular Gym goer or you stay clear from the "e-word" and hate the gym, this will be the workshop for you.

I really love movement and since entering the Paleo world, I've learned many more concepts & principles to apply behind movement. Through moving my body through yoga, I've both injured myself or learnt more body awareness, built strength, flexibility and agility. The fact is, that if you become stagnant in your movement, well the result will be an unresponsive body. Use it or lose it... but the good new is that wherever you are, you can do something about it to improve it!

Here is some information Eilidh from Vitality Chiropractic & The vitality Concept send me for the upcoming free workshop... this time it's about ways in moving your body beyond going to gym.

 "The workshop is called "Fit for Life - Thinking outside of the gym". Easy ways to make movement part of your daily life, for life! 

We know many people who are fit for the gym but are not fit for everyday life and we would love to help them achieve a balance of both. We also know the idea of exercise puts a lot of people off which tends to lead to a sedentary lifestyle. In this workshop Dr Greg will show people how to integrate movement into their daily life, without using the "e" word.

The 3 fundamental types of movement that are required for health will be addressed: Move moderately, move heavy, move fast.

Topics & benefits will include:
Increase energy
Reduce body fat
Enhance posture
Improve memory
Balance hormones
Peak performance
Upgrade flexibility
Gain focus
Beach body for life...”I'll be there, I hope I see you there. Details her in the picture, so be sure to book your seat.

If you're looking for a fun new way to start moving your body, come join an early morning yoga session with me at the Dojo. First class experience is free; check out the info on my page here under Yoga @ the dojo.
If you're looking for more of a private movement situation that will be designe specifically for your level; Check out some info on what I offer here under Types of Private Yoga Coaching Programs:

I've just put up a new page section on my blog website; check out what some of my students have been saying here: Mad Client Testimonials

Here's to your ultimate health and well-being.


Wednesday 1 May 2013

Feedback from today's Free Mad Body R-evol-ution Yoga Session

What a great turn out for only two days notice! 15 people today... all who were willing to give up sleeping in this dark morning to be at the Dojo Studio at 06:30 am!

A snap shot of the guests relaxing after out yoga sequence learning how to "Dial It Inwards "

My only regret is that I didn't get a group shot of this. Anyway, we had many new faces here today. What a pleasure to meet so many new delightful faces and to have my usual students keep returning for more. Here are some of the things these guests had to say on their way out from the guestbook:

"I enjoyed the movement; the energy & the challenge of going upside down." ~ Pauline

"Great new experience, very informative way to learn about the body." ~ Fatiema

"I enjoyed the fluidity of the class, I never thought my body could do most of those stretches." ~ Jade

"I enjoyed the rolling back sequence and twisting. Meditations was a great ending." ~ Kayleigh

"Great start to the day & very relaxing. thank you very much!" ~ Tim

"I need to work more on releasing the pressure in my neck and shoulders. I loved this mornings class. Thank you so much!" ~ Charmaine

Thank you all for being so super cool and coming!

Monday 29 April 2013

Free Mad 90 Minute Public Holiday Yoga Session!

Just because I feel like it... Join me for this FREE Wednesday 1st May 2013 for a totally free 90 minute Mad Yoga Session! You're totally invited!
The theme is: Mad Body R-evol-ution.
Stepping up the quality of your movement to evolve your body reaching it's highest potential for your well-being... and to just have a ton of fun!

This might turn into a movement workshop sometime in the near future. I'm just scoping it out as a first time free event..But in the meantime be sure to TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS.

What we'll be doing:
* "Prep & Wake Up Stretch"
* " Mad Twilight Salutations" to welcome the day
* "Squat & Give Me Slow Flow" sequence
* "Turn it All Upside Down" Sequence (exploring foundational and practical applications tips & techniques)
* "All Twisted Up Sequence"
* "It's All Downhill from Here Baby" Relaxation sequence

Free Give- Aways:
**Walk away with the Mad "Feel More Gratitude" coherence meditation method & the "Squat & Give Me Slow Flow" sequence chart... RSVP by calling 0827623350 to avoid dissapointment so I can print enough of these hand outs!

Place: Samurai Karate Dojo, Stadium on Main Centre, Ground Floor, Main Raod, Claremont, Cape Town.
Date: 1 May 2013
Map Link:
Time: 06:30 -08:00 am
Cost: FREE (so rope a friend in)
RSVP Contact: Madelain 0827623350

What to bring:
* Yoga Mat
* Sweat Towel
* Water Bottle
* You're enthusiasm & Playfullness

Come and play!


Thursday 25 April 2013

Fun Stuff we do with Mad About Yoga!

So this is the video I mad last year (the first one I ever made) demonstrating most of the things I get up to, from rehab yoga, some free yoga that I used to teach, to private one-on-one yoga, semi-private yoga to the very intense Mad Interval Yoga etc. The video is pretty self explanatory. 

Initially, I made it to run as a loop video for the 101 Things to Do in Cape Town Expo in November last year, but it defiantly has a place here for you to get a look into how I like to play.

If this looks like fun to you ('cause it really is) check out the schedule for class option  or the private yoga coaching options I have here on the site.

I love being creative and playful with the yoga I teach. I hope you enjoy the video.

Mad About Yoga ~ Yoga Coaching in Cape Town:
* One-on-one private yoga coaching
* Semi private yoga coaching
* Early morning Group classes
* Free Group Yoga in the Urban Biodiversity Gardens (postponed till further notice)
* Mad Strength Vinyasa Yoga Flow
* Mad Interval Yoga
* Yoga for athletes
* Yoga for post pregnancy recovery or just alone time
* Yoga for rehabilitation & maintainence 
* Meditation
* Yogic sleep & Deep relaxation
* Yoga with friends and much more

WARNING:  This Yoga is very addictive!

Monday 15 April 2013

Thoughts on Quantifying the Quality of Day-to-Day-Life

I write about the things I need to learn most. It’s my way of putting it out there so that you, as my audience can hold me accountable for the things I want to achieve. In a way you can say I'm using you as my accountability partner, because I know you’re watching. I learn this trick a while ago because sometimes “will” or discipline can be a weak motivator to step into action. When I discovered that I was a talker and not the walker (or at least I perceived myself to be so); it freaked me out! More than anything I want to be the person who does what I say and this is a technique (among many that I know) that I use to keep myself in check or on target.

When it comes to seeing change, you need a clear overview. You need a way to measure you actions so you can see if whatever you are doing is bringing you the desired results. This is what this post is all about. MASUREMENT… A necessary way of tracking to build clear insight to the results you receive by action or inaction.

I'm into challenging the status quo; the concept behind my brand (and what I have planned for the future of my business) is to introduce a new status quo, questioning how we quantify the overall quality of our day-to-day lives. As the word "yoga" means "union"; how do we really feel about the lives we lead... since we are just that resonant energy that all our systems exist upon?"

Definition of quantify:
verb (quantifiesquantifyingquantified)
[with object]
·              1 Express or measure the quantity of: it is impossible to quantify the extent of the black economy
·              2 Logic define the application of (a term or proposition) by the use of allsome, etc., e.g. ‘for all x if x is A then x is B’.

Synonyms: appraiseassess, calibrate, check, compute, countdetermineestimateevaluate,figuregauge, look over, rankratesizespecifyvalue, weigh, measurement, milestones, markers, observable feedback, inventory.

The thing that will serve us so well… is if we were consistent at quantifying our actions or inactions.
If we were reflective over the things we quantify, we’d be able to shift a perspective in order to gain the result we desired.
You've done it before… gains a desired result from consistent action… I bet it involved some sort of method of recording!

Once upon a time I used to write in my journal everyday… yep, every day. It’s actually pretty addictive one you get into the flow of it.
The one thing that I suck at the most is being consistent at recording things that are important… like how many grams of carbs I ate in a day or keeping record of where I spend my money. Let’s face it… most of us are sloppy when it comes to keeping record of things that are important…
… Or are they important? Here’s an idea: if I claimed that I wanted to be wealthier financially, wouldn't it make sense to keep a record of how much money I have, how I spend it and how I earn it? I used this example in an earlier post.
If I wanted to lose weight and get into a state of ketosis, the sweet spot for train my body to be a fat burning machine, wouldn't it make sense to keep a food log (carb log haha) to see what’s going through my system when I feed my face?

I claim I want to be abundant… but perhaps I haven’t learnt how to value money consciousness enough… and deep down it stems from a place of feeling the value or the worth of the work I do (or lack thereof). Perhaps if I valued and trusted what I have to give more, and felt abundant inwardly, then perhaps I would value the green.
But “perhaps” suggests a concept to be toyed with. When does the “action” happen?

You make it happen...  right now you can choose to it, be it, even if you weren't it 10 minutes ago…but you have to choose it. There is never a comfortable moment to stretch OUTSIDE of your comfort zone… It’s not meant to be comfortable. Committing comes at the cost of letting go of that "pay-off" you get from not committing... are you with me here?

You know what I am pretty consistent at? Heading towards the uncomfortable… It’s my saving grace quality. Facing the discomfort got me to a level of capability in my yoga practice that even I’m proud of.
What scares me more than risk or heading towards discomfort is stagnation and an unfulfilled and meaningless life that offered no value in this world. We all have those things we want to see realised…
So what’s yours?

This is why measuring your life or your actions are so important. Life slips by way to easily…

I love Robin Sharma’s big idea:

“Your days are your life in miniature. As you live your hours, so you create your years. As you live your days, so you craft your life. What you do today is actually creating your future. The words you speak, the thoughts you think, the food you eat and the actions you take are defining your destiny – shaping who you are becoming and what you stand for. Small choices lead to giant consequences – over time. There’s no such thing as an unimportant day.”

Without anything to quantify your life by, how will you reach your markers, small targets towards your bigger picture? Without a record how will you be able to see that your current actions won’t deliver you the desired results… How will you re-work a new action plan without the “perception” to see the change that is necessary or working? More importantly... how are you going to be able to see ALL YOU HAVE accomplished? We can come down hard on ourselves at times... but acknowledging your own efforts puts to ease the need for acknowledgement from outside ourselves as well; and that's an added bonus... don't you think?

This is why I keep recommending Susan Alexander’s app4 mind map. The 4 M-word principles that help you to succeed at your endeavours: Mindfulness, Motion, Mastery, MEASUREMENT. Head on over there to her website and imprint the concepts into your brain! YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO DO WHAT YOU DREAM OF DOING!

The days slip into weeks, the weeks slip into months and months into years… what’s it going to look like in 1 years’ time, 2 years, 3 years… 5 years?

Get excited to be alive, soak the marrow out of life, so that your days (your journey) will leave a wild legacy. Journal and start small so you don’t get journal-burn-out! And journalling counts as quantifying your sh*t lol…

“Journaling builds self-awareness. I also use my journal to write daily goals, plan and record what  I'm grateful for, and capture and process new ideas along with lessons learned…”

“As you live your days, so you craft your life.”  ~ Robin Sharma

So I know what it is I need to do to step into action… I'm going to get real clear with what I'm trying to create more of in my life rather than what I don’t want… that starts with “Mindset” like any successful person will tell you throughout the ages… and they are spot on.

So what’s your big picture, how can you quantify the overall quality of your day to day life so that it counts and so that you are more Mad-Crazy-In-Love with your life?

You are a co-creator of life... Just take record as you go about doing your thing


"app4Mind" & Embodiment

Hey all

Thanks to those of you who got up at sparrows to come out to class this am. Monday flow classes can be very challenging. Remember, if you have any questions around any aspect of your yoga practice, give me a shout out, I'll give you tips and any info I know to help you out.

I promised to share the app4Mind principles with you, so attached is the PDF sheet with the summary on the four M principles... This is simply just too good not to share with everyone.

App4Mind by Susan Alexander:
 "Everything we do is behaviour.  Our behaviour  in large part, makes us who we are. The problem is that we don’t know how to change our behaviour when we need to, or want to. So we’re stuck doing behaviour that doesn't serve us, and in some instances, hurts us. It doesn't have to be that way. Because now there’s an app for that.
Brilliant and helpful. – Edward Hallowell, M.D.
app4Mind distils into 4 principles what actually happens when people make sustainable change, fused with the world’s wealth of research and insight on behaviour modification."
You can read the rest of the article here:

This Thursday the 18th is the talk on conventional confusion; common nutritional myths and mistakes and how to correct them. Be sure that you have booked your seat. If you have replied to the Facebook event, they have already booked your seat for you. If you have not replied on Facebook, I would just give them a call to book your seat. (Details are on the attached flyer).
This is going to be a really great talk, Dr. Greg is as big on stepping up the quality of day to day life as I am... Check out his post to get a taste on what he'll be addressing: Conventional Confusion

Interesting Food For Thought around "Embodiment":

I've Been on a very interesting journey over the years when it comes to my own body. We all have our personal journeys when it comes to our tangible selves. I'm starting to fuse the idea that I am not separate from my body. An obvious thing right?  Why is it then, that we choose to treat it so poorly and expect it to perform for us?
For example; If you are not currently happy with the performance output your body is giving you, & if I were to challenge you to record all the food that passes through your mouth in a day for a week, what do you think that would look like at the end of that week? Do the same for your emotional and mental health... and you'll eventually put the puzzle together on why performance is mismatched to one's expectations.
If you've been living with some sort of pain, annoyance, discomfort etc. in your body for a while, Why aren't you doing anything about it... Are you ignoring it until it gets bad enough so that you cannot ignore it any more? Are you waiting for it to go away or self correct?

I'm sure you can come up with your own personal example.

Now I'm a big believer in self rehab, because the body has an innate ability to reach a state of homoeostasis (balance), but if you have whiplash, you'll need help. Yet again.. we tend to think that drinking that magic pill will make it go away... Yet again, another way to drown out the body's intrinsic wisdom for correcting the source of the problem.

Pain is there for a reason. Its a protective mechanism, a warning system if you will... It's not meant to be ignored. this is why I love yoga. Apart from the stretching, Yoga holds will illuminate the things that are weakest in the body. It also MAKES you sit through a tough hamstring stretch where one would usually give up before any benefits form doing it in the first place will start manifesting. It makes you OWN your body... Cause no one else is going to take responsibility for it while your breathing there on the floor.

So back in high school I messed up my feet. Every time I run, the nerve gets pinched at the metatarsals as my foot rolls onto the ball of the foot. To describe the pain: it feels like blood fills  the toe and wants to shoot out through the end of my toe... (sorry for the visual LOL) now I have that in both feet, but its prominent in the one foot... Guess how long I chose to ignore that for???

10 YEARS!!! Now I have a range of different injuries and have been saved and rehabilitated from a few by doing yoga. I've also been injured by doing yoga (because I was a stubborn-dumb-ass) and I have rehabilitated my right shoulder rotator cuff doing yoga. You can injure yourself doing anything... But what's worse is being sedentary and ignoring the relationship you have with your body.

After having my son, I hit an all time low with my fitness & mental health. The two are inter-related. Ignore the one aspect, it will flair up in the other. They are not separate.

The visual I have that keeps me reaching for my goal is this: I picture a strong capable body, that is absolutely powerful, agile, free in all its own unique ways. I imagine feeling vibrant, energetic, strong and charged. I keep asking myself... what's it going to take to make that a self-fulfilling prophecy? What do I need to get in touch with to show myself that, that potential can be my reality? What habits are keeping me stuck instead of moving me forward? How much much do I actually value this body of mine and what can I do better to serve it instead of just taking/demanding from it?

I.O.W. How can I make sure I'm nurturing myself well enough in working my way to my envisioned potential?

I'll leave you with a similar thoughts from someone I look up to:

"Most people have a strange relationship with their bodies.
They live separately from their bodies. They ARE and their body IS but not together.
Modern lifestyle has brought us to this point, technology, society, comfort, modern food & jobs, etc.
It is funny to hear the phrase 'my body betrays me' - it is YOU who betrayed your body FIRST.
But the disconnect is so strong - we feel as if the body lets us down. We take no responsibility.

For all of you who have such a relationship with your body, I suggest you treat your physical
and Movement practice as EMBODIMENT. Its a word I learned from my good friend Aaron Cantor.

What I mean is that Movement can be used to reconnect with your body. To take responsibility. To become whole again.
And you know me - I don't think some 'fitnessy' 45 min X 4 times a week training session is going to do it - it will have to be a comprehensive Movement solution. A paradigm shift. It has to be in your mind all the time.
You have to incorporate it into your life. In your job, with your children, with your loved ones, when eating, when waiting, when answering the phone, etc... Movement is all the time there - its just a question of which type, its effects on you and where you want it to take you.
You design your new body and mind - with every moment's decision. It is happening NOW.
Good Movement practice should be helping you with Embodiment, but many Movement practices (mostly coming from the Fitness world) work exactly the opposite - they further distance you from your body. You may be sweating and burning calories but you are mindlessly working into oblivion. BE WARNED."
Ido Portal, Movement Culture

Do some homework:
We all have something to improve... that's just how we were made... we want improvement, but being stuck is way too easy.

Sooo, check out the app4Mind chart I've got a picture of it in one of my earlier posts, check it out here! Then head on over to the website and  read up some more about it. There is a detailed explanation behind it, and Susan (the creator of app4Mind) has tons of useful posts to get you started on tackling your goals, whatever they are, see how you can apply these principles with your goals.Mindset 101: Why The Biggest Change Is Also The Easiest

The ball is in your court...

Head on over to the Mad About Yoga Facebook page here, or post a comment below, letting me know how are you deciding to step up the quality in your life or share with us what actions you've recently taken that's helped you to do just that!

Here's to your ultimate health and well-being...

Love Madelain

Friday 5 April 2013

Free Well-being Workshop on Conventional Confusion with Dr. Greg Venning

Free Well-being Workshop on Conventional Confusion: Common Nutritional Myths and Mistakes and How to Correct Them.

I met Greg in February... I attended his talks and free workshops and they deliver. What do the deliver exactly? the hard to hear truth on how we've become a self inflicted sedentary human zoo, eating all the wrong kinds of food, and suffering with a lower than usual EQ. Well at least that's my take...

It is really hard hear these things and if you are the health concious type; you know what I mean when I say that it's hard to see your loved one's suffer from lifestyle choices.
But more than ever people are standing up and proclaiming enough is enough. Her'e your chance to be more proactive in creating more "Vitality" in your life... you can start by booking your seat to this free workshop.

Now if you are really a fitness freak, come hear some very interesting concepts that might not have been brought to your attention yet.

I've been waiting two month for this one... I hope to spot you there! Bring your friends & family!

Event Details:

By: Dr. Greg Venning from Vitality Chiropractic Cape Town.
Date: 18 April 2013
Time: 18:30
Address: 5 Colinton Road, 7700 Cape Town, Western Cape
Map Link: Click here
Cost: Free
contact to book Your Seat; Call: 021 671 3303
Check out the flyer I have attached to this e-mail and book your seat?
Still need more convincing? Check out Greg's latest blog post about this topic here: 

Confused about what to eat,how to lose weight or why you are not losing weight?
Learn what your mind/body requires for well-being and how conventional advice is doing more harm than good.
Find out the truth behind how to lose weight without going hungry, increase your energy levels, balance hormones and balance moods.

BOOK NOW to avoid disappointment!

Interactive Action-Steps to Help You Step Up the Awesome Setting!

I love this topic... It's the theme behind my brand: questioning how we quantify the overall quality of our day-to-day lives and how to step it up until we're Mad-Crazy-In-Love with life as opposed to mad about life.

Have you reflected on the quality of life you envisions v.s the standard your living in? Do they match up? Challenging your current Status quo is a concept that's been spinning in my head for a long time (think years) and it's one we all unknowingly feel at time when there's a disconnect. It's funny, because I keep meeting people who have reached similar conclusions around questioning the quality of their lives. There's this realisation that they are actually free and can do whatever they want.

Wherever you've arrived in life, there is always something we are wishing for, working towards and there will always be that expansion. I mention this because we mostly live according to what the norm is v.s creating the actual thing we want more of or to be part of.
There are two types of expansion I can comprehend presently:
1) the kind where you do (work towards a meansto an end) and never seem to arrive or in the hopes of arriving; never receive enough (the lacking state); and
2) the kind where growth and exploration (doing and learning) lead to more of this flow and sassy fire that drive you (abundance).What questions start turning in your brain as you read that?
The first thing that comes to mind is: attitude or perspective.

 When it comes to the actual things we fill our day to day life with; it's easy just to accept what we are told about how to go about it all or to fend off any sort of necessary change.

Where to start?

What are some of the rationalisations we feed ourselves when it comes to doing something that will rub against the grain... even to one's benefit?

Bare with me for a moment as I run through some thoughts on how we tend to do this; perhaps this will bring to mind some of the ones that are common for you:
  • How about these two all time favourites? "I can't afford to eat better." or how about "I wish I had more time to think, let alone exercise". Don't beat yourself up about it... just notice when these rationalisations appear.  they usually appears when something inside tells you you "should" be doing something... Mindfulness is a great place to start.

    Follow these leads and uncover the resistance to the change you're yearning for. You'll see that some of these rationalisations are really just safe scripts we use  to resist the unknown change. Evolution requires a bit of discomfort sometimes.
  • "I just can't take that holiday... The world will fall apart, I'm just to busy right now".

    Well, what do you think will happen when you push yourself against the same brick wall? Yep, you guessed it.. the same ol' unwanted results... I'm just saying! I aint even the first one to say it!
    My hubby owns a software development company... he works himself silly... and it has almost pushed him over the edge to the point of shut-down. It's time for a holiday. do something different.
  • "I can't start a business with my real interests, I'm too old", or wait, how about: "I'm too under-qualified, too young, too dumb, too thin, fat, short, skinny, shy, brash..." blah blah blah.
    Even if you only had 30 years of life left in you, wouldn't you want to see what happens when you reach into the curiosity/dream pocket?

    Leave the fearful lizard brain (as Seth Godin calls it) behind and play on the risky side a little... even if it's alongside something else your doing as a safety net. What you value always breads more energy and time... you just have to stoke the fire a little.
If you find yourself constantly swimming against the stream in your endeavours  create your own culture/ movement/ tribe, your own rules, your own adventures exploring the things that fuel your soul and values. Sure, you'll attract nay-sayers, even from those you value most, but what's better than that is, you'll also attract others who share the same interest and what's better than creating a community/friends that supports, shares and gives value in return?

Nothing worthwhile is really ever accomplished alone!... find an accountability partner.

Doing otherwise (doing something else that's not aligned with a little or more of what you want to create) will create more of a mismatch and disconnection... and that's no way to build autonomy and confidence.
The truth is that you are capable of doing whatever you want. How dirty are you willing to let your hands get? ... And I mean that in a hard-work way.

Drop the concept that instant "right" actions breads instant "desired"results or that one little action in the wrong direction won't bare any consequence or set you back from progress. Funny; how paradoxical and Ironic is that? Yet these are two concepts that we couple together all the time and they wreak havoc!

We only complain when we aren't getting what we want... So what do you want and what are you going to do about it?

Step into some inter-action 

Interactive Spoiler: The Vitality Concept.
If you're looking for something a little more interactive and you happen to live in Cape Town, I would encourage you to come to a free workshop on the 18th April that talks to the concept of settling v.s reaching your potential.
The Vitality Concept. Dr. Greg Venning will be dispelling any conventional wisdom (more like conventional lies) around nutrition. This workshop is FREE.
I've been to two of Greg's other free workshops and it's worth the hour of information that will just blow your mind. Greg talks to building more Vitality, reaching a potential that exceeds the norm of just settling ... And I'm down with that! Are you?

More about this workshop in the next post! (yeah, it deserves a post all for itself)!
Check out Dr. Venning's most recent post about this here to get a taste on what he'll be going a little more in-depth with: "Why Conventional Wisdom on nutrition is crap and is actually Conventional Confusion" (lol, got to love this title)!

Tools to help you shift into action and success

So to end this post, I stumbled upon... no wait I lie... I followed the leads and found it actually. This is a great tool to utilise when it comes to trying to follow through with anything you're trying out. It can be applied to anything. The woman who created it is SUSAN ALEXANDER and it's called app4Mind, check it out:

Here is the link for more about the steps:
I suggest that you head on over to her website, sign up for the newsletter and receive your copy of this chart.
I really loved how she speaks about "tracking" or keeping stock of the actions we preform.
Many have included this as one of the keys to following through and success. If you don't track it; how will you gain perspective and quantify it?
Perhaps a simplified analogy I can use is running a business. You can't not have an accounting system of some sort in place. You'll be able to account for the fact that money is coming in, yet won't be able to account for how it was spent.... leaving you wondering 1) where the profits were spent and 2) how will you know which investment generates the most return for your buck (effort)?

You might be well on your journey in creating more of what you want... It's a good practice to check in once and a while to see if what you're presently doing is still aligned for what you're creating. As anything that moves forwards, adjustments are definitely inevitable. When you follow the right clues and leads... It will open up into a level that surpasses what you thought you were ever capable of. 

I always share my findings on my Facebook Group page: Mad About My Life: step up the Awesome Setting here. You're welcome to join and subscribe... I share my findings there too.

To help you back into movement you're Mad about, click through the rest of the blog site and come try out some Early morning Yoga group classes at the dojo, Private Yoga Coaching or Semi Private Coaching with some friends.

Here's to being unstoppable in reaching what you want to create more of!
